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Local Licence (Local License)

Formal type  Online
"UTB scholars-e-library" can only be accessed via the ZHB and the European University.
  • share campus network
  • Access Type Access via authentication methods
    Access link
    Usage accessible in parts of the Flensburg campus network.
    Usage (long description) An Evidence Based Selection (EBS model) was purchased. In an EBS, a publisher offers access to a complete collection of all titles available as eBooks for a period of 12 months. At the beginning of the project, a fixed sum is agreed for which a selection of eBooks is purchased for permanent access at the end of the project after 12 months. After 13 months, only the selected titles are available for access. Access to all titles is possible until November 30, 2025! E-book packages already purchased: History/History Didactics (year of publication 2020).

If you have any questions about the database or licensing, please contact

Resource id


Database types

Full Text Database


Not specified


Not specified

Further information

Alternative titles utb scholars-e-Library
utb scholar
UTB eLibrary
Updating Still updated

External identifiers

ZDB 3014731-1

Is part of

 utb elibrary

Availability in other organisations