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Data protection information for the use of Scopus AI:
Scopus AI is based on a Large Language Model (LLM). In contrast to other LLMs, which are essentially based on the content of the World Wide Web, the knowledge base of Scopus AI consists of the metadata of the Scopus database. The use of this LLM technology is private. This means that no data exchange takes place, and the provider Elsevier does not use the data to train the public model. Details on data protection can be found in Elsevier’s privacy policy. Do not use any personal data for your tests that go beyond the normal use of literature databases. If you are unsure about this or have any other questions about data protection when using Scopus AI, please contact the Data Protection Officer at your university. Note: Although the goal of Scopus AI is to provide summaries and generative AI features based on reliable Scopus content, there may be occasional inconsistencies. It is possible that Scopus AI will generate results that may be considered false, misleading, biased, or even offensive. Scopus AI is not intended to provide legal, financial, or medical advice. Users should not rely solely on Scopus AI’s results without conducting independent research.


For more information on using Scopus, see the
Scopus tutorials, Scopus help pages and YouTube

Further information

External identifiers

ZDB 2193487-3

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